Scripture Reading - Romans 12:18 English Standard Version (ESV)

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). We have also reviewed “Ministry Mode” for those people you help as unto the Lord expecting nothing in return. We have also looked at “Business Mode” for those relationships in which it is nothing personal just strictly mutual benefit. We have taught on “Employee Mode” which speaks to benefitting the company as a representative of Christ Jesus for the good of all people. In one lesson we spoke about "Honoring Authoritative Relationships” because they are God ordained. We have taught on “submitting” to those over you in an “Authoritative Relationship” when you disagree with your leader’s decision. We have discussed handling conflict between yourself and an authority figure on grey areas that are not sin. Today we will touch on handling “Needy People” in your relationships. What we (ihlcc) mean by “Needy People” are those individuals that constantly want something from you. “Needy People” are those who require your attention consistently. Sometimes this is someone close to you in your family or it may be a friend that you have known for several years. Certain people seem to always need money which classifies them as a “needy person” but there are other examples of “needy people” too. Like if a person always wants to talk to you about what they are doing in their life. “Needy People” also like to make demands on your time on a regular basis. As Christians we generally want to help people but most “needy people” are takers so no help you give will be enough. If you help them a couple of times financially they will consume what you gave them so fast that they lose the appreciation of your giving of your hard earned money. If you spend several hours counseling them about a problem in their life, they will not hesitate to call you the next day for more of your time because they value their time (their own personal desires) over yours. Yes, “needy people” are not sensitive to the heart of those helping them because they are more in tune with what is going on in their own life. “Needy People” will not pay close attention to reading how you are doing, spiritually, mentally or financially because their own needs consume their thoughts and time. The key with handling “needy people” is twofold. First, all “needy people” must be pointed toward the Lord Jesus Christ via His Word (The Holy Bible). They must know that God alone has all the information, counsel, attention and time that they need. Yes, even when helping someone financially it is wise to encourage them to believe God to help with their finances. Of course we (ihlcc) refer them to tithing if they are in financial straits because if they are unwilling to cooperate with God’s Word there is no way they will honestly work with you, which means they will only work against you. The second thing (fold) you must follow with “needy people” is peace, specifically speaking your peace of mind. Just like our scripture for today speaks about your level of peace this principle must be followed when dealing with “needy people”. This is due to the fact that “needy people” can be quite taxing financially, mentally, spiritually and even physically. We can carry another person’s burdens for a short span of time by lifting them up in prayer but we were not built to carry the other person’s weaknesses in life due to a lack of faith in God. No, only the Lord Jesus (as God) is equipped to carry the burdens of all mankind. Yes, dealing with all people who require a healthy amount of time should always be subject to your peace. Which means if you are not comfortable giving this same person more money, than be wise and stop giving liberally. What profit is there to giving if the joy of giving as unto the Lord is replaced by a burden as giving unto “needy people”. You as a good steward over the Lord assets should always follow your heart not someone else’s. Likewise, if they want to spend extra time with you talking about other people or certain problems in their life you don’t have to always say “OK and anytime”. No, if you are agitated by their persistent pestering be wise and politely tell them that you will not be available for a few days or longer if Needy. You determine when you are ready to speak with them and for how long. You have the power in Jesus Name to set your own schedule under God’s Heaven in Jesus Name! Therefore, never let a “needy person” carrying a lot of baggage drag you down with them into a life of sadness and wantenous. We (ihlcc) have found that “needy people” are hard to satisfy over a long period of time so it is better to help yourself over a long period of time by keeping your peace of mind as unto the Lord. Again simply remind them about God being their ever present source, comforter and provider through Jesus Christ their Savoir. You cannot fix all the problems in the world so start by keeping your life in the order of peace and happiness hoping that your living example will inspire the “needy people” in your life to change their life for the better in Jesus Name through the Power of God. Amen.